New roof coming along nicely the battening is almost complete allowing MTS Renewables team to start preparation for the Solar PV system. The roof on this project has three aspects for the solar array’s which has some shading issues caused by the chimney stack along with the orientation of one aspect facing almost North.
Enphase micro inverters have been selected for the project along with the Enphase IQ battery storage system, with the use of the micro inverters each panel operates independently of each other unlike traditional String layouts providing enhanced performance for shaded areas & multiple orientations.
Renusol roof hooks along with Eric tile unit for Rosemary tiles being installed for the roof, Eric tile unit replaces the rosemary tile in the pictures and can be adjusted along the rafter to fit row perfectly with no uplift of tiles. Deks tile slate has been installed allowing the Enphase cabling to route through the overlap of the roof membrane without puncturing the membrane then passing through the cable outlets in the Deks tile.
Enphase cabling installed along with the Renusol roof hooks & rail system, cabling is run along the rails engaging into each Enphase micro inverter. Portrait & Landscape array layouts for the projects due to size of the roof aspects & the shading issues caused by the chimney stack.
The mesh system using EnviroGuard clips & mesh this forms a barrier for pigeons or other birds that like to roust under panels, long term faults can occur under the system caused by rousting birds these include earth faults that can stop the solar system from operating.
@mtsrenewable New build Solar PV system on roof system, Jinko panels with Enphase micro inverters #erictile #enphase #enphaseenergy #enphasemicroinverters #renusol #deklite #solarsystem #solarpanel #solarpv #jinko #birdmesh #microinverter